Recent Posts

Welcome Seongmin Park!

Excited to announce Seongmin Park has also joined the Animal Waste Management Lab! Seongmin received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Pusan National University...

Welcome Godwell Manda!

Excited to announce that Godwell Manda joined the Animal Waste Management Lab in August! Godwell had a Bachelors of Science in Agriculture from EARTH University...

New Paper in SSSAJ!

Congrats to our awesome team on the acceptance of our paper entitled “Cover crops can increase ammonia volatilization and reduce the efficacy of urease inhibitors.”...

Postdoc Position Available!

There is an opening for a postdoctoral research scholar in the Animal Waste Lab. Find more information here: Postdoc NCSU – PFAS

Welcome Steven Miller!

Excited to have Steven Miller joining our lab in August 2021! Steven has a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Natural Resources from the...